

I've always loved photography for as long as I can remember. When I was little I would constantly ask my mum to get the photographs down from the cupboard in our house, so that I could go through the many family albums that we had (and there were a lot - oh the days before digital!). I enjoyed it because it had my most favourite people in it and I always had the best memories. I could also never get over the fact that those moments were captured there forever.

When I turned 18, I decided to go to university and studied graphic design with a pathway into photography and that pretty much cemented my love for the subject and also for being creative. I now have my own family, and that love for photography has continued to develop and has become something short of a (healthy) obsession. Thankfully I have a very understanding partner and a lovely (if a little wild) son, Sam. When i'm not taking photos, i'm juggling mum life alongside my other job as a creative artworker in a busy design studio.

There is something absolutely amazing about being able to document family life and the powerful relationships that you are privelaged to be watching. For me, my favourite part is capturing the emotions and feelings in those moments and turning them into tangible memories. I often tell my clients to just play and pretend I'm not there on their photo session. It's important for me that I create a fun and relaxed environment where there's no pressure to take the perfect posed photograph, afterall, it's your family story that we are trying to capture.

Life, it can be hectic, messy, and full-on but it wouldn't be what it is without your family to make those moments special. We all know how fast life goes, so, in the words of Ferris Bueller - Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. Capture those memories!
