
The Family Session

Family photography sessions are about embracing the unique and beautiful bond between your family. It's about capturing those important moments that will become special memories of times that when you were in them, didn't seem to move that quickly but when you look back you suddenly realise how fast it all really went.

I always aim to create an environment that invoIves a group of people who are relaxed and are able to laugh, be happy and above all have fun. I want to capture your family story, the one that's unique to only you and the defining moments that make the ties between your family so special.


My family sessions tend to take place outdoors, where there is gorgeous natural light and the opportunity to embrace the wonderful colours in our changing seasons. There are some really beautiful places around Northamptonshire and there are a few in particular that I love to go to when I photograph family sessions. I do also enjoy finding new locations to explore, so if there are any places in particular that your family love spending time at or have special memories in, please do let me know!

I hope that at the end of your session, you'll come away with a set of personal images that reflect your family life, showing highlights of your family as it grows and changes over time.


